Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Interview

Today I interviewed a therapist to join our in-home ABA team. Being so new at this process, I was unsure of what it was that I was looking for during the interview. I had no idea what questions to ask or what exact qualities I was looking for in a therapist. I just hoped to find someone with some experience who was kind, loving, and would eventually be able to build a relationship with my son. I never would have expected what happened next!When the doorbell rang, Gabe went with me to answer the door. Before Paulette was even able to walk through the door, Gabe placed a sticker of a truck in her hand. As Paulette and I sat and discussed Gabe and different aspects of therapy, I was shocked to see Gabe initiate interaction after interaction with Paulette. He exchanged the truck sticker with her several more times, placing it on her hand or arm and then removing it. He would run over to her and touch her arm and run off giggling, as if he was teasing her or playing some sort of game. He even walked up to her and placed a kiss on her cheek while she and I were talking. He followed up the initial kiss with at least five more at various times. At one point he looked right in her face and touched her cheek. Each interaction was spontaneous and initiated (unprompted) by Gabe! This has never happened before that I can recall. Seldom has Gabe even acknowledged a stranger that has entered our home. In fact, the ABA consultant that is leading our program visited with us a week ago and Gabe would not even look at her, much less share even one interaction with her. (which is typical behavior on his part) Before leaving, Paulette got down on the floor and played with Gabe. She would take his "blankie" and hide it and he would laugh and snuggle into her lap. He played with her and responded to her the entire time. I just sat in absolute amazement! I think she thought I was completely out of it, but I couldn't get over the way Gabe was responding to this girl he had just met. It was absolutely amazing!!! Whether this was a "window of clarity" not to be repeated, or a true instant bond between Gabe and his new therapist, is yet to be decided. Regardless, this was a step in the right direction and we have learned to cherish each step.

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