Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I couldn't believe my ears a few days ago! My son actually told someone, "Hi!" Now that may not seem like such a momentous occasion for a parent to celebrate, but it is for me!!!

As we encounter people in our daily lives, I always prompt Gabe to tell them, "Hi or Bye-Bye" without any response on his part. I figured I would keep doing it nonetheless and remained hopeful that someday he would "catch on" to these customary social interactions. We have actually been working on waiving bye as a goal in our ABA program with some success. However, Gabe still has not generalized waiving bye to anyone other than his therapist.

A few days ago, Gabe and I were walking to the car and he noticed the next door neighbors outside playing ball. He took off in their direction, running full speed through the open field. When I caught up to him (very out of breath) I did the usual prompting of, "Gabe, say hi to Roger." Neither I nor our neighbor, Roger, expected what we heard next. Gabe looked in Roger's direction, raised his hand and said, "Hiiiiiii." The most beautiful sound in the world! Of course, I hugged him and shouted praises! The look on our neighbor's face indicated he was also surprised and couldn't help but feel excitement, as well.

Later that evening, I reflected on the last time I saw Gabe raise his sweet little hand and tell others "hi." My last memory of this was in an Ihop restaurant close to our old neighborhood. Gabe was about 12 months old and was acknowledging everyone that walked by him as we waited to be seated. A few moths later, that skill completely disappeared, along with many others. My heart grows sad when I reflect on skills that have disappeared and as I can't help but wonder what might have been. However, this milestone was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise overcast day and I will bask in the warm, glowing sunlight for as long as I can!

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